Not only we pride ourselves for offering almost every full-face helmet in Formula 1 history, but we guarantee you that the quality of our replicas will remain intact forever.
Our materials are high-level, as well as our group of painters. Always with the idea of providing our customers with the best service so they can enjoy the experience of a full-size replica helmet which will satisfy their craving for a good-looking helmet, but also their need of an elite device.
We use the best paints available and the exact colors as in the original piece. The helmets’ visors are made of polycarbonate, not acrylic. They do not break, while acrylic splits like paper.
We apply six layers of clear coat per helmet and it looks shiny and clear, without ‘orange skin’ effect. Also, our artists are experts in airbrushing techniques and give you the most unbelievable designs for your helmets, whether they are custom helmets or replicas.
When you compare our replicas with others in the market, you will easily notice which are the CM Helmets and which are not. Our designs will always have the best finish, whether it is glossy or matte, while others will have “orange skin” and opaque colors. Since we work with the best materials available, we are confident that our customers should never have to own helmets which do not look well-painted. Our helmets will endure the hardships of the time without trouble and will never lose their quality.
Not only we focus on providing the best possible replicas, but we also have the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee and we would give you 100% of your money back. These exist just in case any issue happens to our customers after they receive the piece and they need their money back. Of course, the conditions for our Return Policy are further explained in the FAQ section.